Monday, September 06, 2004


Ah, last day before the grind of school starts again. Im doing my best to enjoy it while it lasts. However, preparations must be made for the coming year ahead.. and we all know what that means... time to buy books :\

Melissa gets off easy this year, as she inherited two books of her required books from me and her sister. Looks like ill be paying 400$ at least.

Ah well, as expensive as they are, they are usually quite interesting. :D This is a good thing, cause things are pretty boring around here.. its like the calm before the storm. Everyone is moving and getting setup, preparing for another winter and another 8 months of school. The IRC Channel most of my friends frequent is quiet but for short unheard murmurs as the user count drops below five. I should be thankful I don't have to move all my stuff.

Welp, time for videogames.


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