Time for a Micro-break?
This may quite possibly the most luxurious blogging I've ever done. I am sitting in my parents newly finished house, which through the product of my fathers labor and design has become a reality. Beside me the fire smolders and the rain patters incessantly on the tin roof above. The floor beneath my feet is warm to the touch and the smell of wood, both fresh and burned is everpresent in my nostrils.
My fingers touch only the keys as my mind portrays its thoughts through words and language, and i think to myself of somthing I read some time ago. I ponder what many philosphers may have pondered in the past...
Is it language that creates thought, or thought which creates language.
Beyond my introversion, I have much news to report.
This post is being written on my newly aquired laptop, graciously given to me by Phil, Melissa's father. I am ecstatic to finally have a portable computing solution, and the ability to tinker with wireless networks.
As well, as an addition to my carpal tunnel (now determined to be RSI) diaries I have come across some great software to limit and track typing/pointer usage. Even more exciting is that this program is extremely functional and provides everything I could have asked for, and if I find somthing it doesnt do, its open source allowing me to modify and add at my will.
This has allowed me to have more consistent and regulated computer usage, allowing more time to be spent using my computer without pain. Also, i can track my usage and observe trends to help me understand my progress.
The program is available for free download at www.workrave.org
My fingers touch only the keys as my mind portrays its thoughts through words and language, and i think to myself of somthing I read some time ago. I ponder what many philosphers may have pondered in the past...
Is it language that creates thought, or thought which creates language.
Beyond my introversion, I have much news to report.
This post is being written on my newly aquired laptop, graciously given to me by Phil, Melissa's father. I am ecstatic to finally have a portable computing solution, and the ability to tinker with wireless networks.
As well, as an addition to my carpal tunnel (now determined to be RSI) diaries I have come across some great software to limit and track typing/pointer usage. Even more exciting is that this program is extremely functional and provides everything I could have asked for, and if I find somthing it doesnt do, its open source allowing me to modify and add at my will.
This has allowed me to have more consistent and regulated computer usage, allowing more time to be spent using my computer without pain. Also, i can track my usage and observe trends to help me understand my progress.
The program is available for free download at www.workrave.org