Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Pedal Power VI

Here's a short summary of my March riding totals,

147.5 KM - Total Distance
9:40 hr:mn - Time Riding
15.2 KM/hr - Average Riding Speed
67 KM/hr - Top Speed

I will do a total of my riding totals for the school year shortly.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Pedal Power - Part V

March is here, and so are my February riding totals.

100 KM - Total Distance (should be higher, but my odometer craps out on slushy days)
14.3 KM/hr - Average Speed
43.1 KM/hr - Top Speed
7:17 HR:MIN - Total Riding Time

With only about 3 weeks of riding in February my totals are lower than predicted. This is due to the reading break as well as a chest cold that kept me from riding a few days towards the end of the month. Lets see if I can beat 200KM for March!

As always, proud to be ONE LESS CAR!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Let The Music Flow

I am very pleased to bring to you some of the live jam sessions I have been recording for the last year on my Korg Electribe EMX-1 music production station. While a rather basic machine it has been incredibly enabling for me as my tendinitis has pretty well halted any further software composition. There are a wide variety of experimental styles presented here I hope you enjoy.

All seven tracks, Korgy Jam Sessx6-12, can be streamed from the flash applet to the right or downloaded from my UNBC web space.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Pedal Power - Part IV

Ah, January has come to a close. The sun is gaining strength the days are getting longer and I feel as though I have gotten through the worst of winter.

It was a tough month for riding, many snowy days, horrible snow removal service, and cold temperatures. I persevered and with each onlookers gazes I felt proud to show what one can do when they are determined and put their mind to it.

Here are my riding totals for January:

121.42 KM - Total Distance
14.2 KM/hr - Average Speed
40.4 KM/hr - Max Speed
8:30 hr:min - Total Riding Time

So, I'm down in riding distance from 162KM in November to 121KM in January but that is to be expected considering the weather. Also, my top speed seems to have decreased substantially as there were few if any days where the sidewalk was clear enough to push full speed on my decent down the hill. Hopefully now conditions will begin to improve and I can raise my totals for the month of February. Until then, Peace.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Promotion Dream

Its been some time since I've had something of importance to say. Over the past few weeks a friend of mine Ben (Psylight) and I have been discussing the possibility of throwing one of those "ALL NIGHT DANCE PARTIES" I used to frequent so regularly in the past.

In fact, its been some time since I have gone to a good and proper rave that wasn't merely the product of someone wanting to push drugs. I along with many other lovers of electronic music have been talking in our circles hoping come up with a plan that would allow us to throw a party. The goal is simple: To create an environment of free personal expression, unified love of all electronic music, and a place to experience and express this love of music.

Well enter Ben. Ben has an idea, and a good one at that.

Ben suggests that he has a venue which would allow us to throw a party for the minimal cost of renting the hall for a single night. The cost: $200.00CDN

So I begin to tell everyone I know who might be interested. I know that I can easily sell the 20 tickets it would take to cover the costs and I, along with Ben are ecstatic. Ben proceeds to create a flyer, and an excellent one at that. (It can be viewed here: Hello World Flyer)

All is well, excitement builds. Ben pushes further into procuring the venue for our event and stumbles upon some most unfortunate news. Not only does the venue wish to have 200$ for the rent, but also requires us to hire "certified" security and provide our own sound system (because theirs is finicky). Great, now our costs have skyrocketed into the $600-$800 area.

Now I know, without any speck of doubt that I have brought others up high and then smashed them down with the reality of the costs. However, my point is this and simply this. The interest exists, the desire is there, and people want to party. People are willing to pay even! Shit, so now one problem exists: How can we raise the funds for this party? What can we do to get people together and work towards this cause?

These questions are yours to answer. I encourage discussion and wish to take this forward. Please feel free to leave comments with suggestions and ideas. We need all the help we can get. We can create an underground gathering, of this I know for sure.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Pedal Power - Part III

Ah, it would appear December is upon us. That means its time to tally up my monthly riding:

186 KM - Traveled in November
13.2 km/hr - Average Speed
47.9 km/hr - Top Speed
14:04 - Riding Hours

Now that classes are finished, I can total up my total kilometers for the semester:

285.0 KM in September
288.7 KM in October
186.0 KM in November
759.7 KM Total

I don't know about you... but to me, I am ONE LESS CAR! And I'm damn proud of it. I can only hope I have shown people that alternative methods of transport are viable! We don't need to drive a block away to get milk from the corner store. We don't need to drive to and from work every day...

If there was one thing I could get out of this, it would be to have inspired but one more person to do the same thing. If not for the benefit of the world, for the benefit of themselves as I believe the only way to change the world is to start with yourself. Your actions, expressions, and feelings are amplified to infinite potential in an interconnecting web of life.


Through my constant curiosity regarding psychoactive substances I came across a sample of raw unprocessed Coca leaves about a year ago. I had read a little on their effects and that even though they did contain the incredibly destructive drug cocaine the effects of the leaves were not in any way harmful or addictive.

In fact, the very method of ingestion by either drinking tea or chewing the leaves "is self-regulating ... it does not strike the pleasure centers of the hypothalamus nor cause the resulting compulsive search of pleasure as we will see in the analysis of dependence."

There is no way to ingest enough leaves to cause a "coke rush" due to physical limitations of bodies, ie not being able to fit more than 10 grams of leaves into your cheek to chew at any one time. However, of course clever western scientists developed ways to isolate the cocaine alkaloid by using an enormous amount of raw leaves as seen in this video of contemporary cocaine extraction in Columbia.

It is important to understand that to make the drug cocaine you must extract "truckloads of coca leaves ... into an amount of white powder that would fit into a measuring cup." Imagine doing the same procedure with a truckload of coffee, wouldn't that much concentrated caffiene be potentially lethal as well? Of course it would. Toxicity is not entirely dependent of the compound but rather tied closely to dosage or quantity of the substance which is ingested. Enough water, the basic building block of all life, can be toxic if ingested in large enough quantities.

So dangers aside, what are the effects and benefits of using these leaves?

To understand the effects you have to know the compounds you are dealing with. Within the Coca leaves there are 14 alkaloids which combine synergistically to produce their effects.

These 14 compounds are:

Cocaine - Stimulating, euphoric, painkiller
Ecgonine - Gives stamina and regulates the burning of carbohydrates and increases fat burning
Quinoline - Prevents from caries and strengthens the gum
Globuline - Stimulates blood circulation, against altitude sickness and low blood pressure
Papaine - Promotes digestion, good for skin
Pectine - Anti diarrhea, absorption of poison
Reserpine - Against high blood pressure
Benzoine - Anti ferment, good for skin, mouth, colon
Atropine - Drys up saliva glands, relaxes muscle
Hygrine - Stimulates salival gland
Pyridine - Stimulates blood circulation, improves the oxygen absorption of brain and muscles.
Conine - Local anesthesia.
Inuline - Improves the production of hemoglobin
Cocamine - Analgetic painkiller, blocks only pain other sensations remain intact.

So, as you can see the compounds are diverse and beneficial with Cocaine only playing a small part overall.

The effects of chewing the leaves is best summarized by the website

"[The leaves] perk you up & gives you a bit of energy & clear-headedness, a bit like coffee, but totally devoid of the caffeine jitters. Unlike coffee, however, it actually acts as a very mild tranquilizer at the same time. Too much caffeine makes you feel over-stimulated, which is not a very good feeling. Chewing coca, on the other hand, is actually very soothing. So is it a "stimulant" or a "tranquilizer"? I don't know. Maybe both. The effect is actually sort of hypnotic. It gives you a feeling of well-being and contentedness, & lets you concentrate."

I personally have never felt any sort of negative come down after the effects wear off as it the case with caffeine and nearly every other stimulant I've tried. If I were asked to describe how I feel in one word, I would have to say, "healthy."

And with that, on to the health benefits.

A study published in 1975 by Harvard University evaluated the nutritional content in a study that compared Coca with 10 grains, 10 fruits & vegetables had the following findings:

- Contains more proteins (19.9%) than meat (19.4%)
- Far more Calcium (2,191%) than condensed milk
- Richer in Vitamin B-1 (276%) than fresh carrots
- Satisfied dietary allowance for Calcium, Iron, Phosphorous, Vitamin A, B and E

So in a nutritional sense alone these leaves are extremely beneficial. That is not all of the benefits however. Coca has been used as a traditional and very effective remedy for the following ailments:

- Altitude or mountain sickness
- Stress (excellent!!)
- Treating gastrointestinal disorders
- Alleviating irritation and infection of the vocal cords and larynx
- Preventing vertigo
- Regulating arterial pressure and the metabolism of carbohydrates
- Alleviating diarrhea
- Improving sexual prowess.
- Relieving colds, bruises, sore joints, muscles
- Swollen feet and headaches

In summary, I believe that leaves of the Coca plant are beneficial when used in their natural unprocessed form. The fact is Coca is a schedule I drug in Canada and most of the western world. One must consider that many substances are typically hidden from the public eye by either law enforcement/propaganda there are many which could provide great benefit to a stressed out and overworked nation tweaking out on artificial stimulants and Starbucks coffees.

I encourage everyone who reads this to do some research of their own and further spread the knowledge of this medicinal plant while working to reverse the insane idealizations of a unjust prohibitionist era. I present to you some of the resources I have acquired in my research:

Bolivain Coca Museum

Monday, November 27, 2006


Eating lunch today I came across an excellent episode of Penn & Teller's Bullshit. The episode highlighted the incredible failure that is known as the war on drugs. They claim a total neutral stance on the issue of drugs. Penn states that he has never once touched a joint or had a single sip of alcohol so their claims and views are unbiased. They do an excellent job and you can see it for yourself at google video.